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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Auto Insurance Policy FAQ's: Why buy online?

auto insurance price quoteThe Internet can be a convenient way of comparing auto insurance rates, purchasing auto insurance policy, and save money on your premiums at the same time. Some companies offer discounts when purchasing Online Auto Insurance Policy. Because of high competition in the auto insurance market, all you have to do is surf a little for good deals. Being a good driver and insuring multiple cars can save you money on your auto insurance policy premiums.

If you intend to purchase auto insurance policy on the Web, make sure the insurer you are dealing with is licensed to sell the auto insurance policy in your state. You can check with your state's department of insurance for a list of licensed insurers. Also, don't shop for price alone, determine the quality of service you will receive. Savvy insurance consumers know that sometimes the lowest price insurer isn’t the best buy if an insurer is not responsive once claims arise. Most state's department of insurance have online insurance company complaint rankings to help you assess an insurer’s claims-handling practices.

When seeking an auto insurance rates quote online, you will be presented with a series of questions regarding your driving history, your vehicles, and other relevant characteristics. Make sure you answer these questions fully and accurately as it will affect the auto insurance rates you will get. Have the declarations page of your current auto insurance policy by your side as you respond and know the make, model, year and vehicle identification number (VIN) for each of your vehicles.

Lastly, when you are applying for or purchasing Online Auto Insurance Policy, you are transmitting important financial and personal data to an insurer or agent. Make sure the Web site you are using is secure. Many Web sites will include their privacy and security policy on the site itself. The application site should be encrypted so that your private information is unreadable to third parties.