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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Statistics of Prostitution - A Brief Guide

prostitute image
When I first wrote the article titled “Prostitution” I thought long and hard over whether I should publish it or not! For starters, I did not really want the word the word “prostitution” associated with my website and I certainly did not take fancy to loads of perverts hoping for “free sex” popping along only to find pictures of ships and the odd sunset or two instead. Material perhaps for the lonely seafarer yes, for lonely guy looking for a bit of paid for love, no!

I published the article though, despite serious misgivings, and not only on my website but also on an article hosting site called! I have 49 articles on this site but sadly the statistics today tell me the full story of my error! My article Prostitution – A brief Guide has been on this site for one year with a record breaking total of 3352 Visitors! In second place is another article DIY and My Useless Tools which has been available for over three years yet has had little more than 600 Visitors to cope with!

My own website statistics also suggest that well over half the visitors to my website are purely attracted by the word “prostitution” and not say “ships”! This means that one page alone is very well utilised by the “sick” whilst the other six hundred odd pages of articles, the 6.1 GB worth of photographs, the lists of abbreviations and the beginnings of the “How do they” series are hardly touched upon! An accidental click of the mouse perhaps?

Now that I have this knowledge it sickens me to see how many desperate and lonely people enter such words into search engines, how many people would rather trawl the web looking for pornographic material than read some quality articles!

I have thought about this disturbing trend some more and I have decided that, rather than remove this article which would seem the sensible thing to do, I am going to write another one titled “sex” or “girl with large melons wants love”. This in-turn will hopefully bring along another thousand visitors or two to my website, which might just raise its rankings based on visitor numbers, which might then just get more people to click on my adverts (when they realise that I don’t actually sell prostitutes or pictures of well-made-up ex-mama sans dressed in school uniforms) thus providing me with some much needed revenue to keep the site up and running!

A vicious circle I know but if this is what it takes I am willing to become the pimp